Drones have grown rapidly in popularity over the past few years. No longer are they science-fiction movie concepts, but rather, they’re a part of everyday life for many people. This being said, not everyone understands the wide variety of applications for drones or drone imaging technology. The following aims to remedy that by drawing your attention to some of the many benefits drone imaging presents.
A Note About Legality
When it comes to working with drones, it’s important to note that every nation has its own laws regarding when and where drones can fly. Major cities often have restrictions, as do areas with flight paths or close proximity to military bases. It’s always a good idea to research whether a drone is allowed in the particular area you’re considering imaging. If you’re unsure, you can reach out to a local drone operator or call your municipal government offices. Fines can be quite hefty when drones are flown out of proper zones; skip the tickets and make sure that you’re allowed to fly where you’re thinking of flying.
Many drones come with applications that can be installed on your phone. These applications often communicate when you’re near a no-fly zone.
Cinematic Moments
Building on the above point, drones can be used to capture cinematic moments that camera operators would have trouble capturing by hand. This can help cultivate a wider variety of cinematic shots and expand the capabilities filmmakers have for capturing scenes and sequences, furthering the artistry of the industry.
Outside of big-budget films, drones can also help capture cinematic moments in the lives of everyday people. For example, drone imaging for weddings can add something special to the wedding video. Drone gurus at Horizon Imaging also point out that drone imaging can be used within real estate videography to better showcase properties, resulting in more offers.
Finally, aerial coverage of certain outdoor sports matches allows viewers a broader understanding of the game. Athletes and coaches can also watch game replays from above to study their maneuvers and those of their opponents, resulting in improved gameplay.
Archaeological Processes
Archaeological remains are priceless; they’re irreplaceable elements of human history, and a great many of them are buried beneath the earth’s surface. Drone imaging can be used to identify areas where archaeological remains are likely to be present by presenting archaeologists with a bird’s eye view of terrains. Unnatural protrusions can often be indications that something is buried beneath the ground. Archaeology teams know how to recognize these features with the help of drone imaging which can result in more priceless artifacts being discovered and protected and potentially more being learned about human history.
Saving Lives
When natural disasters occur or when people are lost in the wilderness, it can be hard to know where to start looking. Drone imaging can help survey damage done and locate missing persons without risking the lives of search and rescue or emergency response personnel. Drone imaging also allows a wider area to be surveyed than can be accomplished by teams of people on the ground resulting in a higher chance of finding missing persons more quickly. In many cases, particularly when extreme weather or injuries are a factor in the situation, finding a missing person more quickly can increase their chances of a full recovery.
Infrastructure Maintenance And Management
Humans build some pretty spectacular things, but not all of these things are easy to scale and study. Skyscrapers and bridges, in particular, are hard to inspect as this requires humans to scale them, often in windy conditions to get a good look at the undersides of bridges or exterior elements at a height. Drones can do all this initial surveying without risking human bodies. Video footage can be shared with maintenance experts and management teams so that quick responses to cracks or other issues can occur.
Journalist Access
There are many places in the world that it’s not safe or easy for journalists to access. Often, these are the very places where events need to be better understood, where government agencies are lying about what is ongoing. Drones can provide video footage of world events that would not be safe to cover otherwise and help ensure that the stories of citizens are told outside of government propaganda releases.
In a world where fire season is growing increasingly problematic, drones have been helping. Not only can drones access areas that people would be unable to access due to smoky conditions, but they can even be equipped with the tools necessary to fight fires; hoses or sprinkler systems.
Animal Conservation
Animal conservation is a tough job, especially because animals like to roam. Drones have become increasingly helpful in the endeavor because they allow conservationists to follow animals from above, ensuring that populations are monitored for potential risks or harms. People watching the footage can act quickly if it seems like the animals are in need of help or protection.
Drones can also be used as part of security for conservation areas where poaching is a concern. Animals like elephants that provide valuable resources like ivory are often sought after illegally, but given the sheer size of conservation areas, it can be hard to monitor everything at once. Drones can provide wide-range footage to help security teams keep an eye on everything.
Storm Safety
Similar to tracking animals in the wild, drones can be used to monitor dangerous storms like hurricanes and tornadoes. This can allow more accurate information about storm locations and movements, which can allow people time to better prepare for incoming storms. In many cases, storms don’t give people a lot of time to prepare before they arrive. If drones are following storms and this information is being distributed, families can have advanced warning of a storm’s arrival. This could save lives.
The above information should have made it clear that there are a ton of benefits that drones with video or imaging capabilities offer. There’s a good chance that as more industries get their hands on this technology, there will be even more uses not previously thought of. In addition to this, drone technology is constantly evolving and will likely have more features available in the foreseeable future. Again, when considering drones for any of the above, it’s a good idea to learn about the legality of drones in your area.