The world of video games is gaining more and more popularity. This leads to the fact that people become interested in these games, wanting to try to become a professional in this sector.
As a result of what is described in the previous paragraph, game engines have appeared, which are software whose purpose is to help people who want to create video games at the stage of their development. This is possible because the software mentioned here has mechanisms, functions, and components that provide rendering, animation, and other aspects of video game development. Therefore, today we will talk about it in more detail.
Let’s start with the fact that to get a high-quality game, you need not only to choose the right engine but also to find good game development services.
What is Unity?
Unity is one of the most popular game engines in the industry, it is considered a video game engine (although it is more appropriate to refer to it as a platform nowadays) that helps the developer in creating multi-platform games (i.e. for both mobile devices and consoles).
What does the Unity editor contain?
The Unity platform is divided into 5 sections within its editor.
File Explorer: Here you will find a list of the items you have, in addition to the editor items you can use, this is the organizational section.
Inspector: This section shows the properties of video game elements.
Hierarchy: Items will be cataloged according to their importance.
Scene: The design and layout of your video game or its scene, where each scene is divided into levels in the editor.
Game: View a video game in different resolutions to check its quality.
What can be achieved with the Unity Editor
As mentioned, Unity helps in the development of the video game, however, its platform has tools that help in the graphical aspects of the video game, such as:
-Creating story telling or storytelling.
– Creation of cinematic content.
-Get natural and realistic animation
-Polish and detail the 3D models contained in the video game.
– Achieve the color gradation and lighting needed for a perfect display.
What are the benefits of using Unity?
Quality environment
Both 2D and 3D graphics are of sufficiently optimal quality to meet today’s user requirements.
Optimal learning curve
The Unity editor has enormous potential, however, the more a developer uses it, the more they become familiar with it and the more opportunities they have to make adjustments or new levels to their game.
The learning curve also favors how intuitive the platform is, with the vast majority of its actions based on drag and drop, which makes the developer feel more comfortable when it comes to adjusting and tweaking the parts of the game they need.
Asset Store
The online video game store that Unity has is the most complete in existence today, with a large number of objects, elements, and tools that make it easy for developers to create video games.
Although mentioned earlier, the ability to code for different platforms is one of Unity’s strengths. Although it must be taken into account that the weight of the graphics that video games have is vital for their performance on different platforms, that is, if you have a video game with a very high graphics weight, it is not recommended that it be launched for a mobile device if for the specified The device has not created a specific version.
Unity Services
In addition to its editor and everything we mentioned above, Unity also has services that complement the development and management of a video game very well.
Unity Cloud Build: allows you to store video games in the cloud.
Unity Ever play: Allows players to record and share audiovisual files.
Unity Analytics: this is the analytical part, that is, you can see information about the players there.
Unity Ads: This allows you to insert ads into video games.
Unity is presented as a powerful editor that helps in the development of video games, and as a service that complements the management of this development, representing a complete platform for performing various projects. This is the reason why this video game development platform is so popular.