NEJE DK-8-KZ laser etching machine includes the capacity of print cutting and more down to earth than ordinary etching machine. This smaller than usual laser etching machine with high accuracy and high security is extraordinary for DIY etching. It bolsters disconnected activity, helpful than a typical etching machine.
NEJE DK-8-KZ is astounding, diminished with a colossal measure of possible results 3D printer. Viewing the photographs and investigating the specs, I’m certain you will concur with me this is a generally incredible contraption. you can without a lot of a stretch buy this from Appropriate for symbols, profound etching and different materials, support BMP, jpg, png, and other picture positions.
NEJE DK-8-KZ comes with a huge number of cloud materials that are always refreshed to bring all the more intriguing creation. The Output the QR code with NEJE Scanner APP(Only bolster Android variant), it will consequently interface with PC programming, straightforward and simple to utilize. it is Proficient word preparing calculations, the calculation plays out a 1:1 rendering of every pixel without misfortune. An assortment of picture calculations presents the picture qualities of your family or symbol all the more absolutely.
NEJE DK-8-KZ Supports parallel etching and disconnected activity, up to 10 machines can be constrained by just a single PC. The motherboard is perfect with different force lasers and supports 2pin mos. It can supplant a more force supply gear to accomplish power extension impact. All-metal accuracy mechanical drive screw structure and full-outline stable mechanical structure guarantees that the X-Y hub moving makes the execution of guidelines increasingly exact. Attractively mounted insurance board and crisis stop button guarantees wellbeing activity. CE, FCC, FDA affirmation without radiation. The USB 5V low voltage power supply, can supplant 5V/1A/2A power, sheltered, convenient and expandable. It is Outfitted with 405nm laser tube, high force laser, progressively strong, sheltered and engraved further.
NEJE DK-8-KZ can be cut including mahogany, bamboo, paper cards, ivory, cowhide, combustible plastic, PCBA, and so forth. you can easily buy NEJE DK-8-KZ from Tomtop with Price: $65.99
NEJE DK-8-KZ Engraving Carving MAchine Price: $65.99