LUDDY Baby Balance Bicycle Bike has allows for an easy and more successful transition to a pedal bike. Strider specializes specifically in Balance Bikes and in the process the company has developed enhanced features, including the lowest seat in the industry. With Strider’s Four Learn-to-Ride steps, children can jump on a bike and get moving as soon as the bike is set up.
This feature-rich, mid-level model offers every feature a child (and parent) could want custom grips, handlebar pad, and quick release clamps. LUDDY Baby Balance Bicycle Bike is the perfect balance of performance, options, and value. More than eight years of design evolution and manufacturing improvements all packaged into one model. With an extra-long, adjustable seat post, it is the only balance bike your toddler or preschooler will ever need. The lightweight frame weighs only 6.7 pounds, making it easy for your child to ride and stride. The toddler-sized grips offer better control and the built-in footrests are perfect for learning to balance and glide.
As lovers of riding bikes, Strider loves inspiring children to ride. LUDDY Baby Balance Bicycle Bike mission is to build lightweight, efficient, all-terrain bikes that develop two-wheeled balance, coordination, and confidence. Strider hopes to continue to reach families around the world. Kids sure put things to the test. With the LUDDY Baby Balance Bicycle Bike durable steel frame and puncture-proof tires, you don’t have to worry about damage or maintenance. The LUDDY Baby Balance Bicycle Bike comes equipped with a handlebar pad, providing an extra level of safety and comfort so they can ride all day long.
Because they’ll always want one more go around the block. A LUDDY Baby Balance Bicycle Bike is the first step in learning how to ride a bike. It lets your child learn to balance and steer without the complexity of pedaling. Once they’ve mastered those skills! The seat and handlebar heights adjust to accommodate ages 12 months to 36 months, or a 12 to 20″ inseam (no tools required). The LUDDY Baby Balance Bicycle Bike is perfect for future upgrades such as a foot brake or heavy-duty tires.
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Right Now You Can grab Now LUDDY Baby Balance Bicycle Bike is On RCMoment just at $73.99 using Coupon Code: RC853.