The invention of the internet changed the world in more ways than one and created many opportunities we never thought possible. In only a short couple of decades, the mobile technology took over completely, with mobile devices now the main method for internet connection in the western world.
We talked to Lucas Mollberg, an expert in technology and marketing, about the impact of mobile technologies and apps on our lives. We asked about the current trends, as well as the concerns he expressed about the younger generations overusing the internet on their mobile devices.
Hello Lucas and thank you for taking the time to speak with us. You are an expert in mobile technology and have been around since its early days. In your opinion, how has the mobile internet changed the world?
Hello and thanks for having me. I think the mobile internet has done miracles for the world, but also presented us with some issues we have to start addressing. Communication has never been easier and I think that is a real lifesaver for so many people. On the other hand, I think the younger generations are too obsessed with their mobiles, which can hurt them in the long run.
What’s clear is that the mobile tech is here to stay and it’s only getting more sophisticated. I think we need to do more to try and use it for useful things along with the entertainment segment of it. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for mobile entertainment, just in moderation.
You are heavily invested in the entertainment industry yourself, so what would you tell the younger generations when it comes to using their mobile internet access responsibly.
I have interests in several mobile apps as well as the iGaming industry through my involvement with Casinoble and other sites. I love iGaming and enjoy it personally as well, and I usually play on my phone. I don’t think there is anything wrong with such apps, as long as they are used in the right way.
For the younger kids out there, I would like to say that I understand why they love mobile games and social platforms, it’s just that they should also spend some time detached from them. Nothing beats a real world relationship and face to face interaction in the long run.
Do you think there is a solution to ensure that the young people are using the internet responsibly and not spending too much time glued to their phones?
You could restrict such things in some ways of course, but I don’t think that any kind of official restrictions are needed. Instead, I think we should all be teaching our children and the younger generations that there is also a life away from the internet.
Not only is it good to have real world interactions, but the internet can become quite mundane if you spend too much time on it. Going offline is beneficial and it is going to make it more enjoyable to be back to your online activities as well. I try to spend my weekends completely off the grid in terms of the internet and it really helps me recharge and I think everyone should have some days when they don’t go online or use their phone at all.
Thank you for joining us Lucas and we hope that your words will get through to some of our younger readers and help them find some more balance with their tech use.