We all know that businesses run on digital and cloud technology these days. Long gone are the days of typewriters and hand-addressed envelopes. These days we send emails from our phones, and we certainly don’t keep our files in file cabinets. Usually, a place of business will use a combination of cloud storage and hard drives to keep all their folders and documents organized.
So, if you are a business owner, you probably find yourself in the market for USB flash drives of various storage sizes (16GB, 8GB, 4GB, 2GB, and the like), as well as laptops and tablets that your employees can use. That being said, how can you know that the flash drives you’re buying are trustworthy? The last thing you need is a bulk pack of thumb drives that malfunction. Let’s take a look at some ways to ensure that the digital assets and accessories you buy are durable and reliable.
Read specific reviews.
You probably know that when you’re shopping online, whether it’s for USB flash drives or food items, you need to read customer reviews. That’s not all, though. It would help if you tried to filter those reviews for specific facets that relate to your selection. For example, when you’re doing a Google search for “4GB flash drive bulk,” look for reviews from other business people, not just individuals. Don’t just look to see if buyers were pleased with the quality of the flash drives in question; look into the quality of the seller’s customer service as well. Read their privacy policy. When you’re making a big purchase of something as crucial to your workflow as USB flash drives, you want to do your due diligence.
Go with a supplier who offers a warranty.
The best sellers will offer a warranty with new products—buy it. Even if a warranty costs more upfront (and it will), the peace of mind that comes with that warranty is worth it. When you think about it, your thumb drives will be carrying crucial documents on them. Do you really want to risk those documents getting lost due to a technical malfunction? Of course, you don’t. So, whether you’re buying 32GB flash drives or 16GB flash drives with the company name emblazoned on the side, get protection for your purchase.
Don’t be drawn in by a flashy big-box store name.
Businesspeople are concerned with the bottom line, and you should be, too. That is, if you want your company to be profitable, you should be concerned with the bottom line. One way to save on purchases is to buy a bulk pack of whatever you’re buying. Another way is to buy from an alternative seller. Why should you opt for Office Depot or Staples when you could get your electronics for less. The Store is an example of a seller that can provide you with everything from laptops and printers to thumb drives and desktop computers for way less than a big box retailer would sell them for. After all, as long as your computer files have a safe place to reside and you have a warranty to keep you protected, you don’t really care where your electronics came from, do you? Your bottom line will thank you for choosing an alternative retailer.
Choosing a seller for your business’ electronic needs can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Just like you compare prices and quality at the grocery store, you can make an in-depth comparison here, too. Buy a bulk pack to save upfront, go with a supplier who offers warranties, and consider alternative sellers. These are the three top tips for choosing an electronics supplier you can rely on for years to come.