If you’ve been hunting for the best balance bikes for your 2 or 3 years-old babies? This is one of the most popular 1-3 years old babies’ toys around the world! Baby balance bike. This YANG KAI Q1+ Baby Balance Bike will help your baby to practice balance sense and let him or her quickly learn to walk! Come on and get one for your kids to explore the wonderful standing world!
This adorable four-wheeler converts into a two-wheeler bike Independent part easy to assemble and disassemble. Balance bikes, like scooters, separate steering, and balance from the skills of pedaling and braking. Because kids as young as two can learn to push off, balance and glide, they get plenty of experience by the time they’re ready for a pedal bike.
YANG KAI Q1+ takes the 4-wheeler back to its roots. A simple and functional first ride, a very clean and stylish look, lightweight for carrying and handling. it carries the kid’s cookies if you want and the handgrip makes it super easy to take along. Gone with the chunky ride-on, this is a favorite little buddy for your favorite little buddy.
Help to practice babies’ balance sense. Best toy before child learning how to walk. Let your kids begin his journey to learn to stand. Made of green environmental material, no harm to your kids.
Without pedals and training wheels, kids intuitively learn to refine their handling skills by first ”walking” the bike along.As their confidence and abilities improve, kids can lengthen their strides and increase the amount of time their feet are off the ground, resulting in more ”Wheee!” time. You can buy YANG KAI Q1+ Baby Balance Bike From CAFAGO at $29.67 Using coupon code: WZT1130 and 200 points to enjoy the price