If you are looking to have fun while also reliving your body some of the tension from working hard all day, getting a massage can be a good distraction for you. When considering massage services, there are a number of massage types that are offered in the market today by professionals ranging from medical massage to sensual massage. Tantric form of massage involves full or partial nudity where you are massaged by a professional London tantric masseuse either by use of hands or their own bodies for the same.
While a number of societies are still adamant about accepting such practices, the benefits cannot be hidden for those that seek it. Improved sexual energy and drive is the top goal for tantric massage clients however a number of health benefits like better blood circulation and reduced stress are some of the packages you get. For a quality experience, the following blunders must be avoided at all costs during a tantric massage session.
Not creating the right mood
Mood is everything during any sensual activity leave alone massage sessions. During a tantric massage session, you need to connect with your client on all levels starting from communication, to the arousal and energies created during the session. By having mismatching energies, you amplify chances of a poor experience where you do not understand the feelings and position of the client you are serving. The right mood depends on how prepared you are in terms of communication, lighting and professionalism in what you do. Choose the right music for the sessions and avoid bright light or very loud noises from the neighborhood which can be very distractive.
Failure to put client needs first
By far this is one of the deadliest mistakes a masseuse can make as it limits the number of customers that come back eventually. With a high bounce off rate, it becomes extremely hard for you to prove your experience to the market which is the reason you must put the needs of the customer first. These needs also have to be reasonable and within the boundaries of your services otherwise do not do anything you are uncomfortable doing and your clients should understand that. If it serves you any better, communicating with the client can help you ascertain the kind of services they want or how they want to be touched or where. This improves the customer experience and most importantly your customer retention rate.
Poor pacing and gripping
This is always a concern for most clients as people do not have uniform demands. With erotic massage, a lot of people are quick to assume that slow paced rubbing and stroking especially of the male penis is the way to go. While it is true for some clients, I will not always be the preference to go with for all your clients. If it is any better, consider observing your client to discern what they enjoy and improve on the same. A well trained masseuse will know how to combine different grips and strokes when giving out massage to help you master edging and also enjoy the entire experience. For your female clients, you should tend to be more sensual and slower on your rubbing and caressing as most ladies love to take their time before they can experience orgasms.
Not so ideal massage environment
One of the most important aspects of a tantric massage or any other type of massage for that matter is the environment. How well equipped are you to get your clients ready for a thrilling experience in your arms? The right ambience begins from the lighting of the room which should be dimly lit preferably using candle light. Secondly you should take care of the hygiene in the room especially if you have had clients in the room before, which should not be evident. The type of massage furniture for instance table used must also favor the lying and positioning of your clients. Any discomfort experienced during the session could result into a bad review or no tip for you at the end of the massage services. As a client you must also know that high end massage parlors with top notch equipment will cost you top dollar for one massage sessions so choose wisely.
Not warming massage oil before use
This is an amateur mistake that can reduce the quality of experience a client gets during a massage session. The human skin is always sensitive to temperature so why use cold oil on a client skin when you can warm it first. Adjusting the temperature helps the clients adjust to the session and even get more comfortable the deeper into the practice you get. You must also avoid pouring oil directly to the skin of the client and instead rub it on your palms first before using your palm to spread the oil around their skin. Other than spreading it evenly, your hands might do a better job in improving the temperature of the oil and also making the client feel more at home with the services being offered. Remember the goal is to have them to trust you first before you can go any further and dripping cold oil on their back when they least expect it is not the way to do it.
Expecting something in return
For massage therapists this cannot be insisted well enough. Avoid giving any massage sessions with the goal of getting something in return. For professionals, it is all about giving your client a mind blowing experience and not being tipped, It is in the clients judgement to rate the services offered and tip you on their own will but not asking for it from them. The same goes for quality reviews which a lot of massage parlors showcase as marketing incentive. For partners that practice tantric massage on one another, have only the intention of pleasing your partner rather than hoping they will scratch your back for you later after you are done with the session.