The Mobile Application Testing method is used to test the usefulness, functionality and consistency of application software created with mobile handheld devices. Mobile Testing may be of the automated or manual form. Mobile applications can be deployed from mobile software distribution platforms and are available before installation.
As the default android emulator, almost all of the characteristics of true Android devices are available in the Online Android Emulator. It could simulate for end-user:
- Telephone calls
- Text messages
- Device position
- Hardware sensors
From the technical point of view, Google Play Store has many Online Android Emulators. With these emulators, you can test apps with your web browser without access to the actual hardware.
The Online Android Emulator graphical user interface can be regulated by the mouse. The buttons are also available via a menu on the top of the emulator.
One of the key technologies in the mobile industry is Bluetooth, GPS, sensors and Wi-Fi. The testing for mobile apps is thus focused on testing, customer response and the fields in which hardware and software must be tested together. Some of the key functionalities as required by the mobile test emulators are the following:
- The mobile testingapps should be downloadable: the application must usually be obtainable from an app shop for the specific platform.
- Mobile platforms / OS diversity: there are various mobile operating systems available in the market. Android phones, iOS devices and Windows-Phone are the most significant. There are constraints on each operating system.
- Device Availability: The correct set of devices is a task constantly being tested when there is an ever-increasing list of operating system versions. Device access can be even harder if testers are distributed across separate sites.
- Scripting: The diversity of devices is a major challenge in the execution of a test script. Since systems vary in keystrokes, each script does not work with the different input methods, menu structure or screen characteristics.
- Test Method: Testing mobile apps is done in two major ways: on actual devices or on emulators. Emulators often leave the problems that can only be captured on actual devices, but actual devices can be costly to buy, and they can take a lot of time to test due to the variety of apps available on the market.
- Compatibility must be tested: suppose a high resolution application works, and the lowest resolution does not work.
- If you can pick up your phone, you should be able to start the call while running the application.
- Mobile devices variety: mobile phones vary with distinct hardware capacities in screen input techniques.
Mobile Testing Application Types
- Functional Testing: Functional testing guarantees that the application works according to the conditions. The user interface and call flow is the main driving force for the experiment.
- Laboratory testing: Laboratory testing is conducted by simulation of a full wireless network, generally by network providers. This test will detect any problems when a mobile application is able to execute certain tasks via voice and/or information connection.
- Performance Testing: This testing procedure is carried out to monitor the applications ‘ performance and behaviour under some circumstances such as low battery capacity, poor network coverage, low memory, concurrent server access by several customers and other circumstances. Application performance can be influenced from two sides: the server side of the application and the client side. To verify both, performance tests are performed.
- Memory Leakage Testing: Memory leakage occurs if an application or computer program does not handle its memory which causes the app’s failure to perform and the general system slowdown. Given the fact that mobile devices have important memory limitations, memory leak testing is essential for an implementation to function properly
Thus, we have seen the key details allied to the working of online android emulators as well as the basics of mobile testing.