Since the 2022 world cup final date draws nearer, Lost Vape has an ongoing World Cup Final Expert Picks vote activity where participants can win vape devices.
There are lots of vape devices to be won and they include: Thelema Mini 45W Kit, Centaurus M200, Ursa Nano Pro, and Orion Art vape devices respectively.
The 2022 World Cup Final will be on the 18 of December, so vote for the team you wish or think will win this finals to win the above listed vape devices from Lost Vape. Hurry now to join this activity on or before the start of the game.
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Below are the terms of this ongoing activity from Lost Vape.
2. Platform: LOST VAPE web page.
3. Make sure you are of legal age to vape.
4. Your Email Address is your only ID number. One vote per IP.