It is effortless nowadays to start a blog. Starting a blog and starting right away is much less straightforward. These are some tips that many bloggers (in retrospect) say: “If only I had known this before …” If you want to start a blog, these are the bases.
Do you want to start a blog? 12 things you should know:
1. Determine for yourself what kind of blogger you are
Even before you have written a post, also before you have created a blog, you must decide which category of bloggers you classify yourself in. This will have an influence on certain choices you can make regarding your blog. In a standard classification, you have three types of bloggers:
The professional / business blogger: a blogger who wants to earn a large part of his income through his blog and/or uses the blog to recruit clients.
The ambitious amateur blogger: the blogger who really has the ambition to let the blog grow, and then earn some pocket money.
The pure and recreational blogger: the blogger who only wants to write well, for a temporary project, for example, without wanting to delve into blogs. You can check Thrive Suite review here.
For example, the business blogger is almost forced to blog on his own domain (and therefore, he should immediately buy a domain name / hosting package). An option that should also seriously consider the ambitious amateur blogger. The recreational blogger can blog through or This allows you to get to work very quickly and easily without added costs besides your time.
If you are that blogger with ambition, you can also start a free blog. But remember to buy your own domain as soon as you are sure that you are serious through a reliable domain name registrar.
2. Choose a good blog title and URL
It is preferable to keep both your title and your domain related to your name and the topics you write on your blog. And do not make it unnecessarily complicated. The structure should be beautiful, and a 14-year-old should be able to remember the title of your blog and the URL easily and be able to spell without mistakes.
3. Register an email address for all correspondence related to your blog
In this way, you can keep your blog clearly separated from your private, and you can easily maintain an overview.
4. Start blog? Do not wait with posting until your blog is “perfect”
I know, an excellent blog that works well is essential. But still: do not wait until your blog is complete and just the way you want it before you start blogging. Indeed, as a beginner blogger, you can lose dozens of hours looking for the right design, experimenting with plugins and manipulating configurations of all kind. If you get caught in all the options, you will have a blog that will never go live.
What you should do is choose a temporary solution that you can use at the moment and start writing articles as quickly as possible. By the way, there is no excuse to keep you from writing if you have to wait for someone to help you set up your blog. If that is the case with you, start writing in Word and save all your articles. Then, once your blog is set up, you can easily copy-paste everything to your blog.
5. Wait with the launch of your blog until you have 10 articles written
The first job on your blog is done in complete silence. First, write ten good blog posts and publish them (at the same time). Only then will start to publicize your blog. Because nobody likes to visit a blog almost empty. If there are already some articles on your blog, it gives your first visitors the opportunity to read the site immediately and become familiar with what you have to offer them. The About page should also be online fast. This way you give a good first impression!
6. Collect all your ideas for articles as soon as you think of something
And keep doing that as long as your blog. Inspiration evaporates before you know it and it is always useful to have some ideas at hand. A blog planner works wonders here!
7. Use social networks
When you make a blog, social networks are critical. Very often the first general public comes from here. So have an Instagram account up to date and keep in mind to look professional you should use Instagram services like Also, you can easily contact loyal and future readers through Instagram. And if that is not enough, you get inspiration for future blog topics when browsing on social media.
You should place a link to your blog in all your social media profiles. If you published a new article, make it a habit of sharing it systematically on all the social networks where you are active.
8. Involve your Instagram followers with your blog
Involve your followers and friends in your blog project from the beginning. And I’m not only talking about the fact that you have to share new articles with them, but you could ask them about what they would like to read. You can also involve them in choosing the name of your blog or ask them for advice on the design and layout of your blog. To attract more attention, you can share a post on Instagram about an article that will soon appear on your blog.
9. Give yourself time to experiment
Even if you have thought carefully in advance about how and why of your blog project, you will encounter surprises. Things rarely or never happen as you previously estimated: you may not find that subject or topic as interested as you thought, readers almost do not respond to articles which you would’ve thought would be successful or just the opposite: the posts that you thought would hardly be read, turn out to be an instant success.
Yes, it’s good to have a specific idea or concept in your head at the beginning of your blog. But even better is if you are willing to refine the idea or also eliminate it entirely if you discover that it is not your thing, or if it does not work as planned.
10. Do not follow each blog tip blindly
The Internet is full of tips to improve your blog and get more visitors to your blog. I can imagine the temptation is great to follow every advice you throw at your feet. But keep in mind, however, that not all tips apply to all blogs. Also, some suggestions can be quite overwhelming and discouraging if you just started blogging.
I would recommend you to do your thing and use blog tips of which you think: “Yes, I think that’s good, at this moment in time, I can certainly get some use out of this tip.”